Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 11: Bring On the Soapbox

The last time I wrote an essay was in 1987. It was an English essay on the poet Keats, for the final exam in my HSC. The bastards had decided to make us write about two poets for the exam, rather than one poet and one playwright as they had done in all previous years for the HSC. So I, and every other English student across NSW, was horribly unprepared, and my overall HSC mark really suffered because of it. I've carried a smouldering loathing for the NSW Department of Education, as well as literary studies and essay writing in general, ever since.

It is, unfortunately, in this frame of mind that I approach assessment #3 for this subject.

Well that's not quite true. I had written a few essays last year. I even got a HD for one. But my problem is, my essays tend to devolve into a rant.

Is that really a bad thing, though? Whatever happened to the impassioned argument? The fiery rhetoric? Isn't this what university is all about, a hotbed of radical thinking and social activism? Or is it now just an extension of school, a glorified day-care for 18-22 year-olds to punch at Facebook and their iPhones all day?

Prove me wrong, kids...

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